hello , have one question how we can add extra code in kleeja?
for example i want to add extra folder than the registered users can creat many folder but i dont know how i can do it
please help me
or how i can add servises in users panel for example i want to my users can see volume of files
thanks for helping
رد: developed
extra codes ?
try our plugins from kleeja.com/plugins
there is no enough documentation right now
try our plugins from kleeja.com/plugins
there is no enough documentation right now
Ree: developed
fisrt tanks for your helping
yes extra code we want to add
and i dont know how do it
and now i have a problem total download and last download in new version is ruin what should i do?
yes extra code we want to add
and i dont know how do it
and now i have a problem total download and last download in new version is ruin what should i do?