اريد المساعدة فى Tax Information التى بجوجل
علمت منكم ان تلك الخانة هى فقط مخصصة للامريكان
و انا مصرى اقيم بمصر و ليس لى اى تعامل بامريكا كى املأها
و لكن لاحظت ان الحساب يظل معلقا ان لم ادخل فيها بيانات
و بعد ما اختارت no التى باول صفحة لم استطع التعامل فى الصفحة التى تاتى بعد ذلك
...فكيف اتصرف..علما بان الموقع بتاعى على استضافة مجانية من ذلك الموقع
و ذلك مضمون الصفحة التى حيرتنى ..فيا ترى اختار ايه؟؟ yes ام no
ستلاحظون انهم جايبين كلام عن الاستضافة و الهوستينج
و لا اعرف ان كانت شركة الاستضافة http://www.atspace.com تلك امريكية ام لا...
نص الكلام الذى بالصفحة:
U.S. tax law requires that Google collect tax-related information from all AdSense publishers, including publishers who are based outside of the United States. For more information on forms related to non-U.S. publishers, please see our Google AdSense: Tax Information page.
Please submit your tax information by following the steps outlined below. You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining accurate tax information associated with your account. Google may share this information with trusted third-parties for the purpose of verifying your identity. Should your tax information change, you may resubmit your tax forms at any time. Thank you for your cooperation.
Our records indicate that you have not submitted your tax information. Until we receive your tax information, Google will hold all payments to you. Once you have submitted your tax form, all held payments accrued in accordance with the Google AdSense Online Program Agreement will be sent to you.
Do you have U.S. Activities related to your participation in AdSense?
No (certify no U.S. Activities)
United States (U.S.) Activities involve having employees or owning equipment in the U.S. that are involved in any way with revenue earned through the AdSense program. U.S. Activities include, but are not limited to, owning a web server or owning a hosting service in the U.S., or having employees in the U.S. who are involved in either:
setting up your web server, hosting service, or website
developing content for your website
marketing to create a user base for your site
telephone support for your site
buying products for your site
maintaining your site
Generally, using an unrelated third-party United States (U.S.) web hosting service to host your web pages, renting web servers that are located in the U.S. from an unrelated third party, or having your payment sent to a U.S. Post Office Box or mail forwarding address, do not of themselves constitute U.S. Activities.
اريد المساعدة فى Tax Information التى بجوجل
يعنى يا اخى الفلوس اللى بتعد دى.. وهم
و البين كود اللى لسه واصلنى منهم
مالوش اى لازمة..يعنى كله هيضيع..رغم انهم وافقوا الاول على الموقع بتاعى
و الاعلانات موجودة منذ شهريين عليه و بيعد دولارات
هل تلك خدعة وانه لا يوجد دفع
و البين كود اللى لسه واصلنى منهم
مالوش اى لازمة..يعنى كله هيضيع..رغم انهم وافقوا الاول على الموقع بتاعى
و الاعلانات موجودة منذ شهريين عليه و بيعد دولارات
هل تلك خدعة وانه لا يوجد دفع