AWStats 6.3 تم طرحه يوم 28 الشهر الماضي يعني منذ اكثر من اسبوع ...لكني متأكد ان بعض المستضيفون ومدراء الخوادم مازالوا على اصدارات اقدم..
وكلها للاسف تحوي ثغره خطيرة
كود: تحديد الكل
Warning, a security hole was recently found in AWStats versions from 5.0 to 6.2 when AWStats is used as a CGI: A remote user can execute arbitrary commands on your server using permissions of your web server user (in most cases user "nobody").
If you use AWStats with another version or with option AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser to 0, you are safe. If not, it is highly recommanded to update to 6.3 version that fix this security hole.